Enumerating the kinds of fallacies has become a bit of a cottage industry in this age of fake news and misinformation, to the extent that many of the common fallacies have catchy names like ...
In fact, in a memo titled “Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth,” the Brennan Center said “Two studies [were] done at Arizona State ...
And we’re off. Primaries aside, it’s a two-horse presidential race, but the down-ballot races are equally if not more important. I am not endorsing or attacking anyone from any political party ...
Let’s take a look at this and other common fallacies about the Middle Ages, from what caused the downfall of feudalism to medieval people’s bathing habits, adapted from an episode of Misconceptions on ...
If you are arguing, avoid fallacies of thought because they create weaknesses in an argument. Here are some of the most common fallacies to be aware of. . . There are plenty of reasons why instructors ...
While the questions themselves involve made-up arguments and the answer choices vary in wording, the flaws in the reasoning are often common logical fallacies studied since antiquity. For example ...
If you are arguing, avoid fallacies of thought because they create weaknesses in an argument. Here are some of the most common fallacies to be aware of. Comparing things that are similar in some ways, ...
Fallacies show up in online arguments, political debates, and justifications for unjust things like racial profiling. Here are some of the most common fallacies and why they don't work logically.
Training in symbolic logic is critical in many careers, for responsible citizenship and better lives. It is also an ...
Whataboutisms are often used to distract from and to cast doubts on an argument’s legitimacy, integrity, or fairness. They ...
Simple: Because the lunch is a common factor in multiple occurrences of the illness ... The worst ones are implicated in the fallacies discussed below. This, is obviously a terrible principle, but ...
Keynesians are known for using obscure and jumbled jargon to explain their fallacious ideas. The hope being that, the more ...