Books are fragile things ... where he discovered more than 300 parchment leaves of the Old Testament and New Testament in Greek dating back to the 4th century. Collectively, these later became ...
Revelation 22:19 All Christians - Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant ... Specifically we do not agree on the Old Testament (OT) canon - the list of Books inspired by God. The Catholic OT Canon ...
They asserted that these books had equal status with the other books of the Old Testament. So, the Eastern Orthodox Church ...
I was invited to teaching at a church in which one of the members said to me, “We’re a Bible-Only Church”—meaning that they ...
In my tradition, the text of the five books of Moses -- which to the Christian is called the Old Testament and to me ... most Catholic groups, Orthodox, and I think also some Jewish and Muslim ...
A growing movement wants to destigmatize severing ties. Is it a much-needed corrective, or a worrisome change in family ...
God is odd about sex. The Bible and Christian writings are odder yet. If all this weirdness affected only believers, it would ...
David Bentley Hart is an Eastern Orthodox scholar of religion and a philosopher ... which is that monstrous things are attributed to the character of God in the Old Testament, things that we would not ...
As a professor of Christian archaeology and director of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum’s museum, he’s part of a 700-year-old ... the New Testament, especially the first four books: the ...
The Gospel of Thomas Is Not in the New Testament The early church rejected the Gospel of Thomas, among other books, for several ... while not an orthodox document, help us understand how those ...
As the US election campaign rages on, we are hearing a good deal about the family ...