Our vision is for an equitable and thriving Aotearoa through learning. Using a Tiriti-led, co-design approach, we work government and non-government organisations, businesses, schools, kura, early ...
Digital Technologies relates to many ideas that are already taught in schools - but perhaps not the ones that people might think of first! A lot of the ideas in Digital Technologies will draw heavily ...
He tino kaupapa te pānui me te tuhituhi i te ao hurihuri nei. E karangangia ana ngā kaiako reo Māori ki te ako ngaiotanga rangaranga reo ā-tā nei. Inā tata nei, kua oti i ngā mātanga reo matatini te ...
The idea of a loop in programming is very powerful - in just a few commands you can get the computer to do hundreds, or even millions, of operations. This could involve getting it to look at every ...
Viv Hall discusses the different skills students learn with Gamefroot both to do with Digital Technologies and Design Thinking and also the social skills through working with and helping others.