Schocken. And the second is from: Jewish Publication Society Inc. (2009). JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh. Jewish Publication Society of America. About the Author Rabbi Jonathan Freirich, a ...
About the Author Barry L. Schwartz is director emeritus of The Jewish Publication Society, rabbi of Congregation Adas Emuno in Leonia, New Jersey, and author, most recently, of Open Judaism: A Guide ...
Despite a deeply problematic track record, the paper's fake news is making waves only now, after it printed claims based on ...
In a more perfect or at least saner world, we could afford to ignore Tucker Carlson. The former Fox News host’s ties to former President Donald Trump make his recent ...
Labour says press regulation must be effective and independent. As never before, the press industry’s tame complaints body ...
In that work, Michael Lerner lifted up a psycho-therapeutic analysis of Judaism. He sees Jewish history beginning in a trauma ...
The moment Alain Dancyger began his new role as executive director of the Jewish Public Library, he set out to make the iconic Montreal institution far more than just about ...
Spencer Sunshine has studied the far right for decades. His latest book focuses on James Mason, a leader of the American ...
Semitism gripping Australia and many Jewish students now afraid to attend some of our educational institutions, how many ...
János Lastofka was enjoying an autumnal break with his family on the banks of picturesque Lake Balaton in his native Hungary.
As three prominent columinists resign from the Jewish Chronicle over the publication of allegedly fabricated articles on ...