Personalized medicine is a therapeutic approach involving the use of an individual’s genetic and epigenetic information to tailor drug therapy or preventive care. Kelemen et al. find that ...
Raziskava v Veliki Britaniji je pokazala, da imajo Britanci velike težave ločevati med najbolj osnovnimi vrstami rib, pri ...
Poiščite jih v pestri ponudbi Sparovih lastnih znamk. Na primer kakovostna znamka SPAR, ki zagotavlja odlično razmerje med kakovostjo in ceno, ter S-Budget, kjer najdete izdelke s preverjeno ...
Mlekarna Celeia prodaja na 14 trgov. V Sloveniji ustvari 82 odstotkov prodaje, med tujimi trgi pa so glavni Bosna in ...
Portal Big 7 Travel je hotel Plesnik v Logarski dolini uvrstil na seznam okolju najprijaznejših hotelov v Evropi.
Novo šolsko leto je prineslo nove smernice v šolski prehrani. Več stročnic, manj predelane hrane. V teoriji. Pa praksa? Na ...
Jogurt s proteini, proteinski puding, ploščice, mleko, kaša, sir, mlečni riž, tun, proteinski prah ... pa beljakovinske kroglice, žemljice, piškoti in celo beljakovinska voda. O bumu proteinske ...
What do you do when you disagree with or can’t afford a medical bill? Many Americans struggle to pay medical bills, avoid care because of cost worries or forgo other needs due to health ...
NEW DELHI: India has emerged as a top destination for medical tourism, attracting patients from around the world for everything from life-saving surgeries to cosmetic enhancements. This is a far ...
A pro-Palestinian campus group at Northwestern University said the medical school scrubbed photos of Arab students, some of whom were wearing traditional headdresses, from several social media ...
“I decided that this was an option for me.” Dying with medical assistance wasn’t an option when Milano learned in early 2023 that her disease was incurable. At that point, she would have had ...
The F.D.A.’s rejection signals greater uncertainty for the future of psychedelic medicine. And it will take more than just additional clinical trials for advocates to get back on track — it ...