On September 18, 2024, the Sixth Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction upheld the decision of a lower instance to convict Vladimir Semin, former first Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC JSCB ...
American electric power company Vistra Corp. signed an agreement to acquire 15% of the shares of Vistra Vision LLC from Nuveen and Avenue for $3.248 billion. This is reported in a press release from ...
In June 2024, global steel production declined sharply. According to the World Steel Association (WSA), 152.8 million tons of steel were smelted during this period, which is 4.7% lower than the same ...
Sovcombank and MOVIM have completed the configuration of API integration for fast and secure data transfer between platforms. Now real estate buyers who work with partners and developers on the MOV ...
The ECUMENE 2024 forum has started its work in Moscow. Representatives of international financial and government institutions, business and government, scientific and expert community will discuss ...
The RAI company has created a year-round family recreation complex "Atmosphere" in the village of Yuzhno–Morskoy Primorsky Krai - 15 dome tents equipped for comfortable living with associated ...
Metalloinvest, a leading manufacturer and supplier of iron ore products and hot–briquetted iron on the world market, one of the regional producers of high-quality steel, summed up the results of its ...
Главный редактор: Ефремова Ю.Л. Сайт может содержать материалы 16+ Вся информация Информационного агентства AK&M, размещенная ...
В соответствии со стратегией по увеличению долгосрочных продаж СПГ французская нефтегазовая компания TotalEnergies SE ...
ЦБ РФ установил официальный курс юаня на 21 сентября в размере 13.0425 руб. против 13.1028 руб. на 20 сентября.
Американская компания по производству электронных устройств Intel не планирует продавать контрольный пакет акций израильского ...
За счет миграции на длительные расстояния птицы значительно расширяют географию распространения микробов, устойчивых к ...