Receiving a Royal Honour is one of the pinnacles of personal recognition. Click the link to find out more about what it means to receive an honour.
The Kings Awards for Enterprise, though globally recognised, are the most prestigious awards a UK-based company can win, with only around 200 of these incredible accolades given out each year. The ...
A Royal Honour from the King is a one of the most highly regarded and prestigious accolades that an individual can receive. Individuals can nominate anyone for an honour if they live or work in the UK ...
For example, the Royal Honours system is widely regarded to be the most prestigious personal award in the world. To put that into perspective, about 20% of our clients are based overseas and a ...
Awards season typically runs from the spring to the autumn, when businesses are invited to submit compelling entries showcasing their business in their chosen category. But this isn’t the case for all ...
There is no formal deadline to receive nominations for a Royal Honour. The deadline is rolling. Learn more about timelines for Royal Honours nominations.
Ed is extremely good at weaving a narrative to tell a compelling story (he has a First in History & Politics from Durham), has a passion for finance and the law, and his experience ranges from VIP ...