Our network of experts are design pioneers who work with us to advocate for design, share knowledge about best practice and help us deliver advice and programmes. At the heart, we are a small team of ...
Get ready to put the planet at the heart of design. The prestigious World Design Congress is coming to London for the first time in over 50 years. The 34th edition will be hosted by the Design Council ...
Systemic design is the acknowledgement of complexity and interconnectedness throughout the design thinking and doing process. It is both a mindset and a methodology - considering the structures and ...
The prize celebrated how designers improve daily life by solving problems and turning great ideas into commercial reality. The prize rewarded the best in design from products and graphics to buildings ...
Powering designers for the green transition by 2030. We are on a mission to leave a lasting impact from the World Design Congress by equipping designers with the green skills they need to fuel the ...
Brian Dixon is the Head of Belfast School of Art, Ulster University in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He has worked for leading global art and design institutions, including the Glasgow School of Art and ...
Jasmine is an experienced designer specializing in high-quality solid wood furniture. Working for Konk Furniture, her work has been exhibited at London Design Fair and Celebration of Craftsmanship & ...
Rachael Dietkus is a social worker-designer specializing in integrating care ethics and trauma awareness into design, social work, and technology. Her design care approach emphasizes an ethic of care ...
Phineas Harper is an innovative leader in developing sustainable cultural programmes that engage broad audiences with architecture and design. A regular contributor to the Guardian on ecological ...
Katie Treggiden is the founder and director of Making Design Circular – an international membership community and online learning platform for designer-makers making imperfect progress towards ...