ECE Professor Behrooz Parhami's course ECE 594BB on Elections Math is the subject of the new graduate seminar From The UCSB Current article "Elections Math Is the Subject of New Graduate Seminar" ...
Demis John , process scientist manager of the Nanofab explained that once you learn how to make one microchip, you can make any kind of microchip, with the right equipment. The lab has more than $60 ...
The complexity of the system – and its capacity to model and solve computational problems –  increases with each additional coupled oscillator. “The interaction is where all the magic is,” Bullo said.
ECE Professor Jon Schuller and Physics Prof. Andrew Jayich selected by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to be an Experimental Physics Investigator From The UCSB Current article "Two UCSB ...
Communication systems in millimeter-wave bands promise unprecedented access to high data rates in wireless links. Power amplifiers account for a large fraction of transmitter power dissipation.
The department provides backup service for all important department services and servers. Backup service for research servers and office and lab workstations is provided by the IT support group on a ...
Each of the four years in the curriculum followed by a typical electrical engineering undergraduate student has a distinct flavor in terms of the types of courses taken, academic goals, and milestones ...
ADS is a powerful electronic design automation software system.. It offers complete design integration to designers of products such as cellular and portable phones, pagers, wireless networks, radar ...
As he prepares to officially receive his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from UC Santa Barbara, Satish Kumar is already celebrating. He has just been named a Schmidt Science Fellow, a ...
Postdoc Chunfeng Cui and her supervisor Prof. Zheng Zhang receive a best paper award from IEEE Transactions Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology The editors of the journal selected Cui’s ...